Thursday, March 15, 2007

What to see and do
Papua New Guinea is full of interesting attractions, magnificent natural scenery, and diverse cultural heritage. It offers a range of holiday features and activities, from trekking remote jungle tracks, cruising the mighty Sepik river, surfing the waves of New Ireland, fishing around the fiords of Tufi and diving amongst the coral reef coastline.

Ideal Cruising Experience

The wonders of Papua New Guinea never cease to impress even the well traverse. Offering a muti-tude of ideal cruising experiences, the surprises and its facinating people, there are no better way to explore a country where little has changed over centuries.Cruising Papua New Guinea is particularly relaxing since island life is slow-paced and informal. Rich in culture and ethnic diversity, PNG promises to reward cruise enthusiastics with unforgettable sights and sounds.

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